The Definition of Insanity in Your Job Search
Face it: job searching right now is a bear for nearly everyone. It is harder for some than for others but by and large anyone looking for a new job is struggling to find one. We can analyze why; fewer jobs, employers are more selective, etc. Many job seekers turn to job boards and social networking as tools for their job search. There has been a lot of negative feedback from job seekers about the use of job boards and the lack of response from employers using these job boards. “Are they real jobs?” “Why don’t they respond?” “I feel like my resume goes into a black hole!”
By the same token, employers complain about the lack of quality applicants on job boards. Job seekers fail to follow application instructions or reply to positions for which they aren’t qualified. Employers become complacent about responses from job board applicants, likely thinking they aren’t going to find the candidate they want to hire in that stack.
It goes without saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If we truly want to change the landscape of job searching and recruiting we have to change the approach. Job boards can be a very useful tool for both employers and job seekers, if utilized properly!
Job Seekers, consider this: Do you think you have a better chance of getting that job by submitting a good cover letter and targeted resume to a job posting? Or do you think you’d have a better chance by doing all of that and making a social connection within the hiring company? What if you were the hiring manager? Would you be more interested in interviewing someone you know nothing about, or someone with which you have made a connection and know something about? Making that connection helps make you a real person instead of just a personality-deficient resume.
Here are some quick do’s and don’ts for Job Seekers:
Do use job boards. All of them, any of them.
Do use targeted resumes. (modified resume containing job key words)
Do use cover letters when applicable.
Do use social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to connect with potential employers and recruiters.
Do use the power of Google to help you learn about the companies you want to work for (or the ones that are advertising openings).
Don’t be afraid to make those connections! You don’t catch a fish with an empty hook!
Don’t be a pest! It’s unprofessional and makes you look desperate. Calling multiple times a day or sending more emails when you haven’t yet received a response guarantees you won’t.
Don’t complain. People are watching you on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. Complaining about how much your job search sucks doesn’t make you a more attractive candidate.
Don’t give up! Job Searching can be tough on the self-esteem. Don’t feel sorry for yourself, it won’t help you. Treat your job search like a job and make sure you take off 2 days a week like you are supposed to. You need that time to recharge.
I’m sure we have some readers that can contribute more to this list of do’s and don’ts. We encourage you to list yours! As for how we can get employers back into shape with regard to using job boards properly, well that’s another blog post. Stay tuned!
– Robin M. Eads, Co-Founder & President,
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