Guerrila Job Search Tactics – 101

Posted by | November 12, 2009 | Job Search

job_searchIn this time of record unemployment this post is an attempt to research and delve into unique ways to locate a job. What craziness or unique and different ways are job seekers using to attract an employers attention to get the offer letter. Keep this in mind…your mileage may vary.

Video Resume’s

This is a handy way to showcase your skills in person. That is if you can pull it off. A lot of people are intimidated in front of a camera. Are you? Here is a good example of a decent video resume.


Once you have your video resume, the next step is to get it front of the right eyeballs. That task alone is probably more difficult to accomplish than producing a video resume.

Show an Employer what’s up:

Be Persistent

Make frequent contact with HR, don’t be a pest. Just express your interest in the position. Sometimes you might get lost in the shuffle.  Making a connection with a hiring manager after presenting your resume has always been solid advice. However in today’s market, you may need to follow up more frequently.

Take the initiative

Employers will take notice of your skills if it is made readily apparent to them. If for instance, you can show them a way to save money, you just mind find yourself in a position to keep saving the company money. The thing to keep in mind is employers are looking for new hires who can make an impact immediately.
Be Creative

Send a DVD that highlights your previous experience. Make a power point presentation that highlights your accomplishments, skills, and experience. Sometimes an unusual approach can get an employer’s to notice you, just remember to keep the company’s karma in mind before trying this. An unorthodox method/stunt could be seen as nifty cool at one company and completely unprofessional elsewhere.  Make sure you don’t go overboard; there’s a not much room between clever and staged.

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