Where to Search For A Job

Posted by | January 10, 2012 | Job Search

Let’s cut to the chase, if you’re looking for a job, you want access to the best resources available to help you land your next gig. The most obvious places are the job search aggregates like Indeed, and Simply Hired. These specialty job aggregates continuously crawl KNOWN web sites constantly updating their databases with fresh relevant content.

Craigs List – This is a source of local job opportunities in your community. It is also a cess pool of spam and ID theft scams. A word to the wise would be to be very careful about giving out any personally identifiable information. If it sounds to good to be true, IT most certainly is not true.

LinkedIn – This is a great source for networking within your career skill set. Many professionals expand and connect this website to their connections and company life. There is also a robust job board and recruiting environment which is exactly how they make revenue.

Monster.com, CareerBuilder.com and large job boards – These sites still exist and are just as popular with the companies that are large in size and have the money to advertise on the platform. Due to their size, it is also highly recommedended to be diligent with your personal information on these sites as well. Scammer’s exist in every corner of the web, and job seekers are often desperate to land a job, often time being scammed in the process.

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3 Responses to “Where to Search For A Job”

  1. Comment made by Rick on Jan 22nd 2012 at 9:57 pm:

    Don’t forget face to face networking. The majority of people find jobs that way.

  2. Comment made by Jobsood on Mar 7th 2013 at 11:47 pm:

    Thank you for your information.this information helpful for un-employers and i have some related information regarding Job opportunities in gulf.

  3. Comment made by priyanka on Jun 4th 2013 at 7:33 am:

    Thanks a lot for sharing all your thoughts and discussing various options for MT.

    Keep posting..

    You are doing a great job!!

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