Is ROI Important to Your Recruiting Budget?

Posted by | June 7, 2010 | Recruiting, Social Recruiting

The title of this blog might seem ridiculous; of course you want ROI from recruiting budget. ROI might be added functionality, added scalability, added hires, added something which ultimately adds to the bottom line. What about job boards? How are you measuring your ROI on those?  For years there has been debate among recruiting professionals about measurable ROI from job boards.

As a former recruiter, my ROI from job boards was nearly nil. Job postings became more time consuming than time saving. Every year the job boards got more expensive and every year I had more unqualified candidates to sift through. What’s wrong with that equation? My objective was to place as many people as possible as quickly as possible; that’s the only way I generated revenue for both my employer and my wallet. The job boards didn’t seem to care. They just continued to get more expensive and impose more limitations. What do you mean I’ve exceeded the number of searches allowed? It was just BOGUS.

Someone needed to change it all and I got tired of waiting for it to happen.

I’m sure there are those that think I only talk so much about JobShouts! because it’s my company. While that’s true to some extent, a larger part of why I talk about it so much is because I get really excited about changing the experience for recruiters. And producing results! I’m excited to be a pioneer in this industry. After years of using job boards and knowing what didn’t work, I’m now in the thick of creating what works. It’s working so well, that the “big” job boards ought to be running scared.

It’s a well known fact that our job postings are indexed by job search engines. We’ve continued to perfect the “formula” by which we operate – including quality of job ads, categorization, link love and so on. Apparently, we’re pretty attractive not only to the job search engines but also to candidates as well. I was so excited about our latest report from Indeed which showed we averaged 4.5 clicks for every 1 click on non-sponsored ads. Essentially, the only way to get better exposure for job ads with the job search engines is to pay for sponsorship on those sites.

Good Stuff:

This is only 1 of our distribution channels and we are highly successful on so many more.

Sharing metrics is important to me. I want our customers to expect a better recruiting experience. I want them to pay less and receive better quality candidates. I want them to have access to the most innovative and effective recruiting tools available.  After 15 years of pounding the internet, learning and using Boolean and other x-ray techniques, I’ve learned a thing or 2 about what’s actually effective. My knowledge is your pearl in the oyster. Get that elusive ROI you’ve been after for so long. Use it, love it, share it!

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