How to Find Work

Posted by | September 27, 2011 | Job Search

The internet sure has changed the way we communicate right? Social networks, online job ads, word of mouth, friends, neighbors. You never really know where your next opportunity lies in wait. Modern man has an arsenal of tools available to communicate, collaborate, and distract us from our basic human elements. The old statement still applies, you have to “put some rubber to the pavement” get out and meet people, users groups, networking and social events. Remember you never really know where you next opportunity is going to come from. You can search online and apply to 100 ads a day, truth is your better off talking to real humans, than passing your resume into a database.

Online search & Job Ads.

There are numerous online job databases. We won’t go into naming them or passing on our opinions of the competitors. What we will do is your warn you; there are many scam operations out there that will gladly deprive you or your hard earned money,all you have to do is give them the opportunity. Use these freely available tools to locate opportunities in your geographic region. Think about where you would like to work, then network, locate, infiltrate. Do whatever it takes to get your face in front of someone that can either refer you or get you in front of a decision maker. This is how to find work.


No matter how much online job searching and applying you do, you still have to win someone over in person. This is how to land a job. You can’t win someone over in your shorts and stained t-shirt, sitting at home with a can of bon-bons. Get out there, get motivated, get involved, and most of all go find that opportunity. It might just be right around the next corner.

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